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3+4 B.S./Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Program

Biology or Biochemistry and Pharmacy (3+4 Program with Northeast Ohio Medical University College of Pharmacy)

In order to allow exceptional life science students the opportunity to accelerate their progress toward earning their terminal degrees, the University of Mount Union has established a 3+4 BS to Doctor of Pharmacy partnership with Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED). This program allows students to complete all requirements for both an undergraduate degree in either biology or biochemistry and a Doctor of Pharmacy in seven years of full-time study. Students complete their first three years of full-time study at the University of Mount Union, immediately followed by four years of study at NEOMED. Students must complete all Integrative Core coursework prior to matriculation. After successful completion of their the 4th year of study, in residence at NEOMED, the student will earn their Bachelor of Science from the University of Mount Union upon transfer of NEOMED credit back to Mount Union. 

Benefits of a 3+4 Program

  • Based on the accelerated format, students save a year’s worth of undergraduate tuition and living expenses and get a jump start on entering the workforce.
  • Both institutions provide opportunities to network and connect with alumni in the field.
  • If the below requirements are met, students will earn direct-entry into a program, saving time and money from applying to multiple pharmacy schools.

Admission Requirements - Biology Major Pathway

Students wishing to participate in the 3+4 pathway must apply for Early Assurance via the Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS) by October 15 the year prior to fall matriculation to NEOMED, and meet requirements specified by PharmCAS and NEOMED. Applicants must successfully complete all pre-professional prerequisite coursework (below) with a C-minus or higher, and have both a cumulative and science GPA of 3.0. 

Requirements of the BS/Pharm.D. program completed at Mount Union

Option 1. Biology major pathway (with a Chemistry minor)

Required Mount Union Courses Semester Credit Hours
BIO 140N The Unity of Life 4
BIO 141N The Diversity of Life 4
BIO 210 Anatomy & Physiology I 4
BIO 211 Anatomy & Physiology II 4
CHE 120N Concepts in Chemistry 4
CHE 231 Organic Chemistry I 4
CHE 232 Organic Chemistry II 4
MTH 123 Elementary Statistics 4
MTH 141 Calculus I 4
BIO 240 Genetics 4
BIO 215G Evolutionary Biology 4
BIO 295 Developmental Biology 4
BIO 305 Microbiology 4
BIO 405 Research 4
CHE 370 & 371 Biochemistry with lab 5
CHE 472 Advanced Biochemistry 4
PHL 280H Bio-Medical Ethics 4

Students completing Option 1 (biology major) complete their minor in chemistry prior to matriculation to NEOMED. Students completing Option 2 (biochemistry major) will automatically receive a minor in biology upon completion of their first year in the Pharm.D. program at NEOMED.

NEOMED coursework for degree completion

In the first year of study at NEOMED, students will take the courses listed below, which will be treated as transient courses toward the Mount Union degree. These 30 credits will count toward both the student’s undergraduate degree as well as their doctorate degree. 

Required NEOMED Courses Semester Credit Hours
PEBM 71202 Evidence Based Medicine 2
ANAP 71203 Human Anatomy Physiology and Pathophysiology 1 5
PHDD 71205 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences 5.5
PHDD 71206 Pharmacy Skills 1 2
PHCS 71302 Health Care Delivery System 3
ANAP 71303 Human Anatomy Physiology and Pathophysiology 2 4
PHDD 71305 Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacokinetics 4
PHPE 71306 Pharmacy Skills 2    1.5
IMMU 72202 Immunology and Biotechnology 3
Total 30

The University of Mount Union will accept as transfer credits applicable to the Bachelor's degree up to 40 semester hours of credit of course work taken at NEOMED in which the student received a “C” or better. A student’s undergraduate GPA for degree-granting purposes at the University of Mount Union will be the GPA at the end of the undergraduate phase of the undergraduate’s program; grades from NEOMED are not transferrable to the University of Mount Union.

A student who elects to withdraw from the NEOMED Pharm.D. program or who fails to successfully complete the first year of their graduate program may return, without reapplication, to Mount Union, for completion of their undergraduate degree.

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